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Welcome! I am a Lecturer in the Department of East Asian Languages at Yale University. I was also a Postdoctoral Associate in the Council on East Asian Studies at Yale. Prior to that, I was a Korea Foundation- Korea Institute Postdoctoral Fellow in the Korea Institute and a lecturer in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. In 2020 Spring, I was a lecturer at Stanford University. I am also the founder and CEO of Seed Consultancy. 


My substantive research interests include film, media, cultural studies, critical theory, and gender politics, with a regional focus on Korea and China. 

I am currently working on two book projects:  Screen-capitalism: Global Korean Screen Culture in Postsocialist China examines the cultural dynamics within Korean and Chinese screen media at their intersections with affect, aesthetics, gender, and ideology; Screen Culture as Shaman: Mediated Justice, Law, and Ethics in East Asian Screen Media, focuses on screen media’s potentiality of opening an affective and representational space of virtuality that directly impacts the criminal justice system in actuality.


Feel free to contact me at:


Please find information on my research and teaching by clicking the link below.


The Futures of Uri: Global Korean Screen Culture in Postsocialist China 
@Yale University

04.26. 2023 
Kim Koo Forum on Korea Current Affairs
@Korea Institute, Harvard
Media-ted Justice: Law, Ethics, and Social Critique in Korean Screen Media
@Seoul National University, South Korea
05.18-29. 2022 
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Korean Cinema, Imperialism, and The Host
@Harvard TAPAS
Panel F23 Reconfiguring Cinematic and Televisual Borders in Contemporary Korea
@Convention Center, Hawaii
03.24-27. 2022 
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East Asian Film and Media Studies 128
Korean Cinema as World Cinema 
@EALC, Harvard 
Sep - Dec 2020 
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